We’re here for you.

Keratoconus Group is a safe and supportive community for people living with keratoconus and the people who care for them.

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6 month, 8 contributors, 16 posts, and 10,000 pageviews!

In last 6 month, 8 people (including myself) contributed to our group blog, we had 16 blog posts, and more than 10,000 pageviews!

Janna Seysener is our top contributor with four posts (one poem) about living with keratoconus, Rae Stasiuk has two posts, and Tahir Yıldız, Lodi Kolhoop-Boonstra, Aimee Scarlett, Antonet Botha and Jimmie Barton each have one post.

I would like to thank everyone who contributed by sharing their stories and anyone who read our blog or helped us by sharing it!

We hope to have more stories about living with keratoconus and we are always looking for patients (or their family members) who are interested in sharing their experiences, so please let us know if you would like to be part of this group blog, you can also can contact me on Facebook or Twitter if you need any help.

Top ten countries our visitors come from are: United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Pakistan, Netherlands, Italy, India, Norway, and Sweden.

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